The Pattern

Published in 1997, the Pattern is the story of Lynnclaire Dennis’ first two NDEs, and her encounter with the Pattern. Long out of print, a few copies are available for a donation to the Mirano del Mundi Scholarship Fund. This fund helps make it possible for teachers to participate in the Mereon Academy’s personal development experience, “Discovering Wholeness”,. This qualifies them to use TeamPlay Ground in their classroom. Learn more at



This paper proposed the Mereon Matrix as a framework for analysing the development, operation and failure of systems to survive. Presenting developmental changes that arise as emergent properties, while intended as general, we saw the potential to apply this to scientific topics including the origin of life, the search for life beyond Earth, a new understanding of biological issues in evolution and symbiosis, and to understand relationships, and strengthen social systems that are not operating well.



Stringent ways of thinking, ‘conceptual frameworks’, are necessary in science. The drawback is that the associated assumptions, concepts, rules and practice may become so deeply entrenched that they turn into tacit knowledge and hence give rise to constraints in scientific thought and practice – that is, a new kind of plethora that seriously blinds and thereby hampers scientific progress.

Jytte takes on the three very different schools of thought on evolution, and reveals how they are connected!



In this richly illustrated book, the contributors describe the Mereon Matrix, its dynamic geometry and topology. Through the definition of eleven First Principles, it offers a new perspective on dynamic, whole and sustainable systems that may serve as a template information model. This template has been applied to a set of knowledge domains for verification purposes: pre-life-evolution, human molecular genetics and biological evolution, as well as one social application on classroom management.