“Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth, these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and women’s empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all.”     
— Ban Ki Moon, Former Secretary General of the UN

Hearing the Inaudible. Seeing the Invisible.

What’s possible if the inaudible actually made the invisible visible?

Embark on a transformative adventure at the Mereon Academy with our inaugural course, "Wholeness: Peace by Piece." Developed over 8-years, this unique experience uses the knowledge that connects natural and social sciences to guide you toward genuine wholeness. Using principles of growth rooted in this knowledge, learning to harness your innate wisdom, you'll seamlessly piece together the puzzle of self, discovering the serenity of inner peace.

Engage in live, weekly Zoom dialogues that foster a sense of community, encouraging you to blossom as a lifelong learner. Throughout the course, you'll be crafting your instruction manual for life—a personal guide to understanding and accepting yourself. Witnessing the 'inpowering' and 'inlightening' effects of self-discovery you will start to navigate life's decisions with newfound clarity. It’s time for you to to write your life's instruction manual so you can create your ‘masterpeace!


This painting was made by a 5-year old who was only asked to paint a picture of the game they played in school. The game? TeamPlay Ground!

BELONGING is a fundamental truth, the birthright of all sentient life.

Belonging.life is a transformational education project for teachers and learners. Built on the sequential principles of growth identified in the Mereon Matrix, this knowledge makes it clear to children as young as 3, why unity is only possible because of diversity.

Proceeds from the art shown at the Mereon Academy funds scholarships for teachers, and lets us make our classroom management programme, TeamPlay Ground. available for their learners at no charge.