Unity Occurs Through Diversity.

“What pattern connects the crab to the lobster, and the orchid to the primrose and all four of them to me? And me to you?…The pattern which connects is a metapattern. It is a Pattern of patterns.”

- Gregory Bateson, ‘Mind and Nature’ (1979)

A QuintEssential Jitterbug

The context of the Mereon Matrix is shown in the video header, a dynamic polyhedron with 120-180 faces. It’s called the QuintEssential Jitterbug, as it defines five interacting Jitterbugs, a dynamic first understood by R. Buckminster Fuller. The dynamics of this complex polyhedron and the core (currently being animated), both unite all the fundamental forms, the Platonic, Kepler, and Archimedean Solids.

Original modelling by R. W. Gray, 2007 Updated by C. Kushner, 2020

A decades long investigation led to an understanding of how geometry, the Mereon Matrix, generates a complex array of knotted Patterns that connects everything. The animation below makes it clear how the pieces ‘fit’.

This led to a powerful method for you to identify the pieces of self that make you whole. Imagine knowing how to put your life together again, experiencing a breakthrough after being ‘broken’….

The Mereon Academy

Imagine having the ability to understand the disconnections that cause pain and suffering…

Imagine knowing how to align your heart and brain so you can make a best decision for yourself…

Imagine experiencing inner peace by being able to identify and own the pieces of self you’ve forgotten or ignored for too long…

Visit The Mereon Academy to see how you can apply the knowledge that connects modern science and ancient wisdom!

Discovering Wholeness: Peace by Piece

Form and Formless. Knot and Knothingness.

In 2012, a breakthrough occurred with the introduction of the CymaScope, an instrument that enabled the visualization of inaudible frequencies. This allowed experiments testing the following hypothesis: that the frequency of 7.97 Hz, considered to be the priming frequency of the Mereon Matrix, would produced this complex system when used to resonate a small vessel of water.

Remarkably, it succeeded. It's noteworthy that altering the frequency by just 1/100th of a Hz eliminates the observed patterning entirely.


Ancient Wisdom. Modern Science

The Mereon Matrix connects modern science and ancient wisdom, generating a Pattern that forms a seamless link between natural and social sciences.

Visit our Projects to learn more about the sequential pattern of growth that gives rise to all forms.